Previous NARCH Interns
Andrea RedCrow, Jahly Braverock, Tommi-Rae Trombley, Georgina Efigenio
Native American Research Centers for Health
For more information about the NARCH program and how you can get involved, contact:
Natalie Malaterre
(406) 338-5441, ext. 2326
Native American communities in Montana experience severe health disparities, including mental health diseases that result in an all-cause death rate that is 58% higher than the white rate. Funding of Blackfeet Community College (BFCC) by a previous NARCH grant produced research results that indicate the degree of connection of Blackfeet community members to Blackfeet community and culture positively affects their health (1). In light of these findings, the overarching goal of the current Blackfeet NARCH application is to improve the mental and physical health of the Blackfeet Nation by the development of the BFCC Center for Culture as Medicine (CCM). We believe investing in developing Native researchers as well as research infrastructure at BFCC can have a significant and lasting effect on the health prospects of future generations of Blackfeet people. Identifying the sources and causes of reservation health disparities and reducing or eliminating those causes through research, mitigation, remediation, and public education can have significant impact on health. The proposed project leverages the previous NARCH efforts over the last several years to train BFCC faculty in biomedical research and to build the college’s research infrastructure, including a state-of-the art research laboratory at BCC that has enabled our students and faculty to perform a broad range of research projects. Importantly, the previous funding began to develop a research culture at BFCC and the Blackfeet community. In this proposal, we utilize this developing research culture and our previous results to inform a proposed intervention, further develop the research interest in BFCC students and faculty, explore new traditional approaches to improve health, and develop a sustainable BFCC-CCM. In order to accomplish the goals of improving the health of the Blackfeet Nation and to develop the BFCC- CCM, we propose to achieve the following specific aims: 1. perform interventions informed by our previous research to improve the physical and mental health of the Blackfeet Nation. 2. generate new results that will inform future interventions that will respond to health concerns among the Blackfeet Nation. 3. build the capacity of health equity research at BFCC by developing a sustainable BFCC-CCM. These aims will be accomplished through the proposed BFCC-CCM, Administrative Core, a student and faculty research development project, an intervention based on enhancing connection of reservation participants to community and culture to improve physical and mental health, and a pilot project to explore how the Piikani language can positively affect health. This project will develop the ability of Blackfeet people to improve their own mental health. This will be accomplished by developing the Blackfeet Community College Center for Culture as Medicine. The center’s research focuses on interventions utilizing traditional Blackfeet ways to improve mental health of the community.
This award is funded by the following list of institutes.
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Center For Complementary & Integrative Health (NCCIH)
National Institute Of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Meet our Interns 2024-2025

Domaneek Crossguns
NARCH Intern 2024-2025

Kaci Bennally
NARCH Intern 2024-2025

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2024-2025

Andrea Red Crow
NARCH Intern 2024-2025

Domaneek Crossguns
NARCH Intern 2024-2025
Okii niiksokoaks nisto niitaniko Maatsiisaippiin’kii - hello my friends and relatives, my name is Loon Singer, my English name is Domaneek Crossguns-Hall. I am currently a pre-nursing student here at Blackfeet Community College and will be graduating with my associates in Health Science in May of this coming year. In February I will submit my application to continue into the BSN program after successfully completing all the prerequisite steps. My goal in life is to become a Labor and Delivery nurse and give back to my community by working at our local community hospital on the Blackfeet reservation. Also depending on what life has in store for me I would also love the opportunity to work in a NICU environment as well as further my education with a psychology degree to accompany my BSN. Joining the
NARCH program has opened the opportunity for hands-on lab training and a better
understanding of research. I have also learned how to properly interact with human test subjects and proper lab protocols. My research project is based on substance and alcohol abuse and how the body and mind are altered when abusing, with a specific focus on the aftermath of abusing through pregnancy. Being a part of NARCH has opened many doors for me in the time I have spent as an intern, and I look forward to the upcoming opportunities and the skills I gain to improve my research skills and knowledge over my time spent as a part of NARCH.

Kaci Bennally
NARCH Intern 2024-2025
My name is Kaci Benally and I go to BFCC majoring in my associates for my health science degree. Once I’m finished, I plan to join the nursing program to get my Bachelors in nursing Degree. NARCH has helped me understand how to conduct research and develop skills which I am very passionate about.

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2024-2025
My name is Georgina Efigenio and I am a nursing student here at BFCC. I have interned with NARCH for 4 years. Through NARCH I have had the privilege of helping with data collection for a few research studies. Through my time with NARCH, I have also been able to conduct my research. My research consists of the sexual education curricula in the United States. I have found that a comprehensive curriculum has far more benefits. This semester my goal is to reach different areas of the community and insist on the importance of a comprehensive curriculum.

Andrea Red Crow
NARCH Intern 2024-2025
Oki, my name is Andrea Red Crow, I graduated with my Associates of Science in May of 2024. I am currently working on my second semester in the BSN program here at BFCC. I have been with the NARCH program for the past three years, my topic of research is Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM), a rare disease, in an estimated 5000 children, in North America. I am also researching different types of autoimmune disease such as Sjögren’s syndrome, Lupus, and Celiac disease. Once I complete my studies at BFCC, I plan to move to Seattle, to study and learn about autoimmune diseases at the UW Medicine, with Dr. Jim Jarvis, a pediatric rheumatologist, advocating and working with indigenous American children and communities. Native American children have the highest rates of autoimmune diseases.
Previous Interns

Larissa Lahr
NARCH Intern 2023-2024

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2023-2024

Andrea Eagle Child
NARCH Intern 2023-2024

Larissa Lahr
NARCH Intern 2023-2024
Hello, my name is Larissa Lahr, I am attending BFCC to study health science and obtain my associates degree, my goal is to be a Med Lab Technician and work in a hospital setting. After graduating from BFCC I will transfer to Montana State University to obtain my bachelor's degree in microbiology. Joining NARCH allowed me to get experience on how to run lab equipment and take part in human research studies. My research project is on the Blue Zones of the world and how our native people can get back to living long healthy lives again. NARCH has helped me catch a glimpse into what my future will look like in science.

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2023-2024

Andrea Eagle Child
NARCH Intern 2023-2024

Jahly R. Braverock
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Andrea Eagle Child
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Tommi-Rae Trombley
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Jahly R. Braverock
NARCH Intern 2022-2023
Jahly Flammond I am a second-year student at BFCC. I am is currently pursuing an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Criminal Justice. I will be graduating Spring Semester 2023. My favorite course at BFCC is Introduction to Advanced Research Methods instructed by Sabine Brigette, PhD. I have developed a passion for research, by creating presentation on Blood Quantum while participating in the BFCC Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Biomedical Student Research Internship Program. I have been active in helping to create the BFCC Student Research Council. While assisting in developing research capacity at BFCC, I have continued to excel academically by maintaining a high-grade point average. After graduating from BFCC, I plan on pursuing a BA degree in Anthropology/Forensics at the University of Montana, Missoula, Montana.

Andrea Eagle Child
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Georgina Efigenio
NARCH Intern 2022-2023

Tommi-Rae Trombley
NARCH Intern 2022-2023