a books on a shelf

Students with Disabilities

Academic Enrichment Services/TRIO

Academic Enrichment Services (AES)/TRIO Student Support Services: AES, also known as Student Support Services is a Federal TRiO program funded by the United States Department of Education, designed to improve student retention and success through direct services to those students that meet the program guidelines. 

Over the years, the TRiO Programs have expanded and improved to provide a wider range of services and to reach more students who need assistance in these areas: Academic Advising, Career Guidance, Transfer Preparations, Book Ordering, Financial Aid/Scholarships, Graduation Assistance, Campus Visits, and Assessment Testing.

We are on a mission to help you realize your full potential and reach your goals. As a TRiO student, you will have the opportunity to utilize specialized services that are not available to the general student population. Our staff is a team of dedicated professionals who are driven to make a difference in the lives of our students. We have the resources and the expertise --the rest is up to you.

The AES program is funded to serve 170 students per year. Students must apply to be a participant of the program and qualify for eligibility under one of the following:

  • First Generation: an individual whose parents did not receive a bachelor’s degree.
  • Low Income: An individual whose family taxable income does not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level in the project.

Disabled: A person who, because of a disability, needs specifically designed instructional materials or programs, modified physical facilities, or related services to participate fully in the experience and opportunities offered by post-secondary education institutions. 

Veteran: an individual who has served or is serving in the armed forces.

AES Learning Center

Our program is funded by the United States Department of Education. Our Primary objective of Academic Enrichment Services is to serve students who are Low Income, First Generation and Individuals with Disabilities.

We have a Learning Center which provides free tutoring to individuals and groups in Math, English, Reading, Natural & Social Sciences, and Study Skills. Professional and Peer tutors are available during the academic year Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm. The Learning Center has computers that have internet access that can be used for research, homework, applying for scholarships, filling out FAFSA applications, and checking Emails.

We believe your success as a student is dependent on your 37 overall well-being. We are committed to supporting your academic, physical, financial, and social needs. We will focus on assisting you during the academic year in tutoring, counseling, and transferring to a 4-year institute


AES has the right to change its policies and procedures at any time during the period this publication is in effect. Policy and procedures can be found in the AES office. 

AES Contact Information

  • AES Director ext. 2285
  • Administrative Assistant ext. 2261
  • Student Support Specialist ext. 2262
  • Academic Support Specialist ext. 2260 
  • Learning Center Coordinator ext. 2242


Americans with Disabilities Act:  In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled at Blackfeet Community College are entitled to “reasonable accommodations”.  Please notify the Disability Services Coordinator or the Director of Student Services or the Director of Academic Affairs during the first week of registration of any accommodations needed for attendance at Blackfeet Community College.  The student must provide documentation that identifies and explains the disability and a letter with suggested accommodations.  

What is a “DISABILITY”?

An individual with a disability is any person who:

  • Has a physical, mental, or emotional impairment, that substantially or materially limits one or more of their major life activities.
  • Has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having an impairment.
What does the Blackfeet Community College Students program offer?

Blackfeet Community College Disability program is committed to ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of 1990.  The ADA prohibits discrimination against a qualified person with a disability and is required to make reasonable accommodation to known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualifies individual unless to do so would pose an undue hardship.  Our goal is to provide and coordinate services that will enhance a student’s academic development and independence.

What are some examples of services?

While it is the college’s responsibility to notify students of services and how to access those services.  However, it is “The Student’s Responsibility to Self-disclose and request Accommodations”.  The accommodations are determined on an individual basis according to the required documentation of disability.  Services provided may include, but are not limited to:

  • Assistance in completing the admissions proves
  • Assistance in completing financial aid forms
  • Referral to counseling or academic advising
  • Priority registration (if justified by disability)
  • Referral to a resource on and off-campus
  • Reasonable classroom accommodations
What are reasonable accommodations?

Accommodates are discussed and provided on an individual basis in consultation with the individual student, instructor and the Disability Coordinator for receiving reasonable and necessary accommodations are based on information and assessment data documented by a qualified professional


 The Blackfeet Community College has the right to change its policies and procedure at any time during the period this publication is in effect.  Policy and procedures can be found in the Disability Coordinator’s Office.

Contact Information

  • Student Services Department
  • Beaver Painted Lodge
  • Blackfeet Community College
  • P.O. Box 819
  • Browning Montana 59417
  • 404-338-5421 Ext. 2233